Cascade Grotto Meeting
Hybrid meeting (Phinney Neighborhood Association and Google Meet)
Wednesday September 11, 2024
Maurice as new Treasurer
- Eric proposes
- Bram seconds
- PASSED: 3 for, 1 abstain
Bram as new Secretary
- Sarah proposes
- Eric seconds
- PASSED: 3 for, 1 abstain
Funds to pay for new website host
- Allocate $25
- PASSED: approved, none against
Fund temporary lock for Papoose
- Pay Eric back $10 for two locks on papoose cave
- PASSED: approved, none against
Fund permanent lock for Papoose
- Allocate up to $50 for 2 new permanent locks for papoose cave
- PASSED: approved, none against
Official minutes
- Ratify previous minutes
- PASSED: approved, none against
General Meeting
Western Regional (by Helens)
- Sept 19-22
- Lots of events planned
Poets’ Crest trip (by Baker)
- Sept 28-29
- Bushwhacky approach
Halloween trip (by Adams)
- Large amount of caving planned
Caving in Mexico
Presented by Eric
- American cavers have been going there via 60s
- Hautla has been explored for quite a long time (in Oaxaca)
- Terrain is dominated by sinkholes
- First goal was going deep: first 1km deep caves found here
- Focus now is to connect into nearby caves larger system
- Hautla is over 50 km, 1.5 km deep from highest to lowest point
- Cheve cave is also promising (possibly even deeper)
- Lots of outreach lead by Bill Steele
- Expedition was 5 weeks total this year
- Lots of people missing this year because of the eclipse
- General cave format is deep pits, followed by long passages at end of limestone
- Lots of sumps
- Bottom was explored by bill stone in 1994
- Russian cavers at Huatla
- Not welcome at Cheve (because of Ukranians there)
- Lots of camping
- Warm temperatures make it nice
- Concern of water because people use caves as sewers
- Eric’s leg got infected and he had to convalesce for a while in town of Huautla de Jimenez
Trip Reports
Cave ridge
- August
- 370 ft of survey in exhilation
- made pancakes with all the huckleberries up there
- August
- Montana expedition w/ cascade grotto members:
- daryl, kat, richard, eric, bobby, rebekah, bram, sarah, maurice
- about a mile of survey
- explored ramses, cambell’s, green forks, kathy’s icebox
Business Meeting
Critical new business
Vacancy in treasurer role
- Maurice -> treasurer
- Maurice resigns as secretary
- See vote above
Vacancy in member at large role
- Bram -> secretary
- Bram resigns as member at large
- See vote above
Member at large is empty
- empty for now but two interested (kelden & shannon)
Old Business
Scholarship coordinator
- Likely Amy
Grotto rescue
- no updates
New Business
Redid logo
- more discussion may be needed (vote on new logo, etc)
- new merch?
Webmaster needed
- Contact Eric
New hosting provider
- Need to allocate funds for new host
- See vote above
Western regional ropes course
- need assistance to find kiddie pool & culvert
Papoose cave
Temporary replacement lock
- lock has been replaced
- forest service lock was too large
- see vote above
Permanent replacement lock
- permanent locks to replace temporary locks
- see vote above
Official minutes
- approve minutes for legal/organization purposes
- see vote above
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