Cascade Grotto Meeting
Hybrid meeting (Phinney Neighborhood Association and Google Meet)
Wednesday October 2nd, 2024
General Meeting
- WVG trout lake this weekend (10/4-10/6)
- Marbles indigenous peoples / Columbus day (10/10-10/14)
- Papoose likely won’t happen – contact Brian Gindling as resource monitor if you want to go
- Halloween the first weekend of November in trout lake (11/1-11/3)
- Oregon Grotto Hell’s Canyon (11/7-11/11)
- Holiday party in December – we need a location! do you have a house?
- Host gets to pick the date
- Vertical practice some time (@mountaineers wall?)
Trip Reports
- Angelica: Vegas work trip means caving in lava tubes and Utah!
- Western Regional
- Tommy, Bill, Nancy: Dogwood & Helium – Mushrooms, walking, crawling, hiking. Lounged in the Moss!
- Avril (& Bram): Scott’s – tree molds are cool! erosional & lava tube is also cool
- Bram: Wolff’s & Vertical with California cavers
- Sarah: Poet’s Crest! Andrew Erickson, Lillia, Caleb, Mark Garnick, Rob Lewis (birthday), Kenny Bennett, Bram, Maurice (rip boots – have more emergency duct tape!), We dug open the eponymous dig and it was a bathtub with 32.4′
- Hannah: Timpanogos Cave in Utah!
Pre-Business Meeting
- Presentation next month 11/6:
- Scapegoat? Lunar Caves?
- Presentation schedule for next year:
- If you’re interested in sharing reach out! medium up to presenter (ppt, etc)
- Shannon in January (WNS and decon)
- Large die off of Hanford bats but no WNS positive bats?
- Talus caves says WNS bat closure – “don’t cave in WA” is misinformation
- Hannah interested – February
- Avril: cave biology in March
- Meeting schedule next year: tbd
- No December meeting!
- Nominations and election logistics in November. People will vote in December
- 5 exec committee but also other opportunities: website, newsroom (ask Jaq!), content creation, etc.
Business Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
- Bank account waiting on the previous treasurer and DocuSign
- Dues and stuff will get sorted once we have the bank account back. Don’t worry about it yet
- Settle up from WR to happen soon
Old Business
- WR was a great success thanks to everyone (especially Eric! (and Maurice!))
New Business
- Halloween Trout Lake trip logistics planning
- Holiday Party Planning
- Need a host!
- Saturday ideal
- Holiday party planning committee proposed by Sarah, seconded by Shannon
- Shannon leading, she will schedule a meeting at her leisure
- In person (and/or Discord/google meet)
- If you’re interested message Shannon
- White Elephant!
- Nominations for yearly awards (except for exec committee members)
- Potluck
- Meeting schedule next year
- Poll for 2025
- 1st Wed of the month, 7pm was popular last year
- options in a poll, Nth day of the week and time
- Date/time
- Everyone that’s here on Wednesday 7pm likes it
- Maurice: Tukwila Friday nights?
- Locations
- PNA (current location)
- (wifi bad but Avril is good).
- Good room rental price – better than otherss, won’t need to renegotiate
- parking good
- Other options: Tukwila, rotating (Bellingham, Tacoma, Olympia, etc.) – biannual / quarterly?
- PNA (current location)
- Poll for 2025
- We need more pub nights locally! Olympia, Bellingham?
- Monthly Grotto Caving trips
- 2024 was a success! Keeps people active & builds rapport
- Meet in January to figure out trips and leaders
- We will keep it up for 2025!
- Hannah: propose cave rescue training in WA (OCR): 60 days notice needed
- some NCRC instructors are interested in flying here
- spring (May for cougar)
- location options:
- Cougar? – more accessible than cave ridge
- Amboy grange?
- trout lake fairgrounds?
- Eric: GPNF permit issues for charging money for events after WR – cave ridge? etc. (Start permit now / ask GPNF if they would consider a permit then switch to Cave Ridge if not)
- Cave ridge is much less accessible (but has been run there in the past)
- lots of interest!
- Vertical optional
- Person cap? depends on # of instructors & facility size. at least 25-30 people.
- Open up to local SAR?
- Follow up meeting with people that are interested (Sarah, Hannah, exec committee, anyone interested)
- Will need a permitting lead!
- Merch!
- T shirts vs long sleeve shirts? Hats (baseball or beanie)! Patches? Stickers / magnets?
- Will poll for merch options
- New Logo – Sarah designed (People seem happy, design contest if people are interested?)
- Explore option without Chevron?
- Amy has shirt design? (front/back)
- Canva: Jaq propose motion looking into getting a paid Canva account so we can collaborate on the newsletter more effectively! Good for brand identity.
- Jaq to research pricing and other options, present next meeting
- Suggest working with Western Region or other grottos to make it cheaper?
- Eric: cleaning up old policies with no end dates, propose to void:
- void all allocations from 2022 and before in notes. Sarah seconds
- Not operating policy and constitution
- Sarah against add operating directive that all notes have to be renewed yearly. Don’t want to accidentally delete the scholarship
- Vote at November meeting.
- EC to make a more concrete proposal by then
- void all allocations from 2022 and before in notes. Sarah seconds
- Eric: expand EC by 2 members, regional representatives
- North/East of Seattle
- South/West of Seattle
- Duties: same as normal members of EC plus once a year host a regional meetup in their area, collect concerns and build community in their regions
- Eric is announcing it as an amendment to constitution, voting at November meeting. Shannon seconds
- Sarah: hesitations are cyclic grotto activity, shrinking grotto could lead to inflated inactive board
- Quorum is 1/2 the EC – possible concern? 3 to 4 members required
- maybe do them as positions that aren’t EC?
- ask people who would be in the roles if they want to be EC or flexible?
- individuals can hold multiple EC roles so could help
- Before November: treasurer to determine who is a voting member!
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