Cascade Grotto Meeting
Hybrid meeting (Phinney Neighborhood Association and Google Meet)
Wednesday November 6th, 2024
Presentation by Brianna
- Whigpistle: lots of terrible crawling and ear dippers, lots of borehole
- Splash entrance (horizontal) needs people to explore things (Niles is desperate)
- How to get involved? Talk to Joel Despain or Niles Lathrop
- Talk of cascade grotto expedition (If October / dry season, Sean said he’d include FRCS)
Trip Reports
- Dia de los Muertos campout in Trout Lake:
- Deadhorse, 812 (Bill Halliday), Stairwell, Cheese, New
- Cold, Rainy / snowy, lots of fun!
- Dusty Derigged Wolff cave saturday before Trout Lake:
- All the trad gear comes out
- .5 x 4″ SS bots
- Maurice and Sarah went to TCR and didn’t cave but helped with the Gauntlet
- Papoose
- Eric did some ridgewalking: 3 sinks, potential dig, and a bear
- Trips Saturday and Sunday
- Eric did a trad climb in Sunday to an infeeder lead to return to (with a rope now)
- Eric went to Whigpistle
- Marbles – sisyphus is a serious dig, Bram checked a climb lead. Eric found Stash Pit and visited it instead of Bigfoot
- Sean went to New Mexico for a week working on a dig on BLM land
- got 25′ in the dirt, good air (a hole drilled in the wall whistled)
- Good air is basically wind! Bad air is co2, etc – anything you can’t breathe
- OG Hells canyon this weekend
- 11/21 7pm Library office hours in Fremont (Eric’s place)
- December 7th holiday party at Taylor Goodhart’s residence in Snohomoish 3pm – whenever
- Smoked BBQ dinner + Potluck style, bring a side / veggie things
- Bring a white elephant gift
- Carpool! Don’t park on wet grass
- No smoking etc. until kids sleep ~9pm
- No drinking and driving, stay the night or carpool!
- Help people with a place to sleep if they need!
- Look out for more info!
- Let us know for restrictions
- Excel sheet will have potluck info
- Bring Chairs! Indoor outdoor party
- Email and flyer will be sent out
- 2025 events! Early planning meeting soon
- OCR class planning for 2025 in WA
- Hannah and Sarah, Hannah will approach USFS as a permitting lead to have in GPNF
Business meeting
- Decon your gear!
- All EC is here
- Treasurer’s Report as of a couple hours ago
- .65$ in cash
- $1143.60 in paypal (soon to bank)
- $3475.30 checking
- $5,150.08 in Savings
- total: ~$9,700
- 80 current members and Maurice emailed ~25 people to renew
Old Business
- Holiday party planning (See above)
- allocate up to $200 for host for main dish: Shannon propose, Eric second
- some veggie options since the grotto is paying!
- voting: carried unanimously
- date for a virtual planning meeting: 11/20 Shannon
- agenda: logistics, google sheet signup, flyer,
- discuss theme / attire
- to go containers + firewood? ask Taylor if he needs firewood
- up to $50 for preferably compostable? to go containers, plates, napkins, silverware
- Eric + others have leftover ones
- Discussion item for preplanning meeting is who can bring what
- Sarah propose, Shannon second (after ammendments)
- vote: unanimous
- up to $50 for preferably compostable? to go containers, plates, napkins, silverware
- white elephant cap $30
- Awards: people should email the leadership nominating someone for any award (make up something) EC is not eligible
- up to $15 for office expenses for printing them out, eric proposed, Sarah second
- vote: unanimous assent
- allocate up to $200 for host for main dish: Shannon propose, Eric second
- Executive committee changes from Eric, re: email
- 8-14 is “well known” ideal number of board members according to Eric according to some lawyers for nonprofits
- Most grottos don’t have this structure, also they don’t act on their bylaws
- Sarah comments that expanded committees adds challenge to build trust in sensitive items, especially when designated as not present to central area – separate board and EC for sensitive? (To do: determine how to deal with disciplinary action)
- Sometimes we have trouble filling roles (Robert)
- Do we have people interested in filling roles?
- Dusty volunteers
- Proposal A: Two more members at large
- Proposal B: Two regional representatives
- Poll between A & B
- A: 7
- B: 6
- Proposal A voting on: Maurice second, Eric propose
- Nay: 3
- Aye: 10
- Passes
New Business
- Elections:
- Format is online form that you submit to be nominees 11/7-end of holiday party
- ballot from day after holiday party to 12/31
- everyone gets 3 votes
- Boof has volunteered as vote counter
- Sarah proposes: designated person as point of contact for code of conduct, Shannon seconds. Sarah will write up a proposal
- Maurice proposal to change $100 to $144 for Shannon for snacks cancelled bc WR planning committee pays
- Sarah Motion $30 for pronoun stickers + name tags for holiday party for helmet. Bram second
- 5-10% active participants are nb or other pronouns since being asked
- passes unanimously
- Maurice proposes $65 to Maurice for pumpkins for Halloween party, Shannon seconds
- passes unanimously
- Nancy proposes opportunity for flag to go to Antarctica for 6mo then return, we could print a new one (Second item). Sarah seconds
- passes unanimously
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