Meeting Minutes November 2019

November 16, 2018 Tukwila Community Center, Seattle Business Meeting Minutes of the Cascade Grotto Present: Daryl Greaser (Vice Chair), Madeline Schaller (Chair), Robert Mitchell, Chi Tran, Eric Jorgenson, Dusty Goldscheider, Maurice Kirejczyk, Brad Hutchinson, Talon Swanson (Treasurer), Chris Larson Joey Largent – new member – welcome Joey! Treasurer’s Report – $6609 in Treasury as of … Read more

Meeting Minutes October 2018

October 2018 Tukwila Community Center Attendeees: Chris Watkins, Daryl and Katt Greaser, Nicholas Bertucci, Mark Sherman, Robert Mitchell, Judith Roel, Karl Dusty Goldscheider, Talon Swanson, Eric Jorgenson, Brad Hutchinson, Chris Larson, Dave Ogden, Renato Dalle Mule, Chi Train, Maurice Kirejczck $6609 in Treasury Motion to pay for one year of meeting room in advance; passes … Read more

Meeting Minutes April 2018

Tukwila Community Center Present: Daryl and Katt Greaser, Nick Bertucci, Katlin Combs, Gary Brownly, Robert Mitchll, Tom Evans, Sid Cruetz, James Mooreshire, Maurice K, Chris Larson, Chi Tran, Eric Jorgenson, Cindy Wu, Denny, Marcos, Faedra, Jacob Sasse, Daija Phipps, $709 in checking, $5000+ in savings, $313 in PayPal, 45 CURRENT PAID MEMBERS Cindy Wu is … Read more