Meeting Minutes October 2018

October 2018

Tukwila Community Center

Attendeees: Chris Watkins, Daryl and Katt Greaser, Nicholas Bertucci, Mark Sherman, Robert Mitchell, Judith Roel, Karl Dusty Goldscheider, Talon Swanson, Eric Jorgenson, Brad Hutchinson, Chris Larson, Dave Ogden, Renato Dalle Mule, Chi Train, Maurice Kirejczck

  • $6609 in Treasury
  • Motion to pay for one year of meeting room in advance; passes
  • Look into hosting the Regional ? Cougar RV Park?
  • Small list of beginners caves and brief descritpions needed
  • Eric will make squeeze box and provide the grotto with an estimate (made, debuted at Holidays party!)
  • Mike McCormack has the old grotto squeeze box?

August 23 2018

  • The Hangar at Kenmore Town Center, Kenmore, WA
  • Daryl and Katt Greaser, Taylor Kittenlord Peterson, Stephanie Brereton, Josiah Zacharias and friend, Sid Creutz, James Mooreshire, John Green (former member)

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