Meeting Minutes October 2023

Cascade Grotto Meeting
Online-only (via google meet)
August 19


Member at Large

Add a new Member at Large seat in the executive committee (making 5 members)
Elections for this seat will be in December for a 1-year term, concurrent with the other officers.

Eric proposed, Robert seconded; passed:

  • 12 for
  • None against

Funds for Holiday party

Authorize up to $300 for 2023 holiday party reservation

Eric proposed, Maurice seconded; passed:

  • 13 for
  • None against


Cave Diving

Presented by Richard Jack

Diver cave divers vs Caver cave divers


  • Big into courses/certifications
    • Courses mostly started to fatalities
  • Generally they’re mostly tourists
  • Big gear nuts who like to spend money on cool toys
  • Hate carrying around big packs/lots of equipment
  • Not a big jump into cave diving because they have much of the equipment


  • Not often toursts/more into exploration
  • Little to no formal training
  • Surprisingly low fatality rate
  • Often go solo
  • Carry heavy gear/packs (used to it with dry caving)
  • Big jump to get into because dry caving doesn’t require diving gear


  • can I back out?
  • gas levels
  • sumps
  • good planning is critical/can minimize risk
    • do we have enough air?
    • can we return the way we came?

Vacation divers vs exploration divers

Key differences

  • Different risk profiles
  • Different personalities
  • Different sports

Vacation divers

  • More recreational
  • Hate high flow
  • Enjoy using scooters
  • Often right by the cave; very easy access in touristy areas
  • Sometimes can find fascinating historic & prehistoric artifacts in the cave
    • placed there prior to the cave being filled with water

Exploration divers

  • Takes a long time to reach the cave
  • Can have tough/exhausting circumstances like a long walk with heavy gear between sump dives
  • More specialized equipment:
    • Rebreathers are lighter and allow for more extensive dives
      • Only need a spare emergency tank for escape if rebreather fails

Exploration dives locally

  • Devil’s Bath
  • Wet dream
    • most commonly dived west of the Mississippi river (~150 dives/year)
  • Argo
    • explored sump 300m down


How often are carbon fiber tanks used?

  • Very expensive but not as durable
  • Big problem is you have to sink the tank
    • Need lots of lead strapped to it to get it underwater
    • Can leave weight belts there by dive spot
    • Tanks brought in and out and carry is lighter
  • Using a rebreather allows for less weight/smaller tanks

Trip Reports

Fantastic pit, GA

  • Sarah, Maurice
  • Largest pit in the continental US

Crow’s nest spring

  • Richard, Rebecca
  • Did cave dive and wanted to check it out for a long time
  • Tough access


  • Sarah, Bram, Lee
  • Started a resurvey (did ~1.5k ft)

Cave Ridge

  • Eric & others
  • Lots of people checked out cave ridge for the first time

Lookout cave

  • Sirius & others
  • Visited it for the first time with some climbing friends

Poet’s Crest

  • Richard, Bram, Jessie, Mark & others
  • Lots of digging, very promising
  • Lots of bugs there all the time! (seems the season never ends)

Ridge-walking on Vancouver island

  • Richard, Rebecca
  • ~20 miles east of Tofino
  • Explored the fjords in that area (very rough bushwhacking)

Nacin ridge

  • Eric, Mark
  • Explored cracks in the ridge (not limestone)
  • One looked to have a 70′ rappel

Western Regional

  • Eric, Kim
  • Reported on Poet’s crest

Papoose, ID

  • Eric, Ethan
  • Dug dirt leads in cave and outside

Lake Ingalls

  • Chris & others
  • Hiked out and saw some possible cracks (may be limestone?)

Rainy creek

  • Eric & others
  • Dug on insurgence for a while
  • Looked around for rumors of cave & sinkholes


Upcoming trips

Survey workshop (Oct 21/22)

  • Around dynamited cave
  • Email/Facebook post with agenda was sent out by Lee
  • Great introduction to surveying
    • all are welcome; no experience is required
  • Starting at 9 AM on 10/21
  • Looking for assistance with rigging the initial 10 ft drop so people can easily descend
    • Extension ladder/webbing/rope would be useful

Talus cave exploration (Oct 21)

  • Will be in the Burlington area
  • Contact Dusty if interested

Excelsior ridge trail (Oct 20)

  • Will survey a 70′ pit visible by the trail
  • Lead by Eric

Thanksgiving cave (Oct 29/30)

  • VICEG running trip on Vancouver island
  • One of the largest systems on the west coast
  • Richard is going on Oct 26 and has carpooling room for others if people are interested

Halloween trip (Oct 29/30)

  • Massive cave trip down to Trout lake area
  • All levels, lots of caves
  • Bring your costume!

Hells Canyon (Nov 4/5)

  • 6-7 hours from Seattle area
  • Kim Lauper is leading

North Vancouver island trip (Nov 11/12)

  • Lead by VICEG
  • By port McNeill
  • Maurice is going, contact if interested

Other events

Halloween party (Oct 30)

  • Eddy Cartaya’s place by Bend, OR
  • Lee is going

NCRC course (Feb 2024)

  • Will be in Texas
  • Registration will open November 1 (And will fill FAST!)


Planning Events

Western Regional

  • will be in Washington (Helens area) in 2024
  • Main goals:
    • finding a good secure camping area
    • need volunteers & trip leaders
    • may use discord for organization between grottos
    • get in touch with those who organized it previously to obtain requirements
    • dates still need to be set (late Aug to Nov, possibly late Sept)
      • great campgrounds tend to be popular/hard to book
      • 270 days in advance is the soonest we can book
    • engage forest service to let them know
      • only 3 caves require special permits
    • put up money for reserving campgrounds (50/50 grotto split?)
  • as FYI, Cougar as poor cell service
  • gauntlet obstacle course could come by to join us
    • gauntlet obstacle course could come by to join us
  • Vandy looking into t-shirts for event
  • Estimated attendance is ~80-120
  • Would be great to involve Bill Halliday somehow
    • Currently resides in Shoreline with his daughter

Halloween Trip

  • October 27-29
  • Camping:
    • Trout lake creek campground
  • Equipment:
    • Eric bringing big 2-burner propane stove
    • Brad bringing chainsaw
    • Aidan bringing rope cannon to check out upper lead in Dynamited
    • Eric bringing squeeze box
  • Trips:
    • Eric: Friday & Saturday night (relaxed/easier trips)
    • Dusty: Dynamited late morning on Saturday
    • Brad: Deadhorse Saturday, J&R on Sunday
    • James: very crawly trip on Sunday
    • Sarah: non-caving trip to Mt Adams
  • All levels are welcome!
  • Costumes are encouraged!

Holiday Party

  • Likely first weeks of December
  • Possible locations:
    • Lake city: Last year’s location (Tyrone’s apartment) is only available mid-december
    • Duval: Aidan’s garage is available but won’t be able to fit many cars
    • Capitol hill: Amy’s brother has a place that may be available
    • Kenmore: Mark thinks the community center is available; lots of breweries nearby
    • Port Townsend: Renato
    • Fort Casey: Ginger
  • Eric would appreciate any assistance wherever possible organizing this

Official Business

Old Business

Donation of $100 to partner of former vice-chair Lauren Kenyon

  • Done

Rope replacement budget of $400 for Newton

  • Organized by Dusty
  • Will send out information on rope; discussion to be on email/google group
  • Pitches in Newton:
    • 10′ nuisance
    • 60′ (unrigged)
    • 20′
    • 100′ w/ rebelay
    • 90′ after colon crawl

New Business

  • Member at Large vote, passed
  • Authorize $300 for holiday party reservation, passed

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