Meeting Minutes October 2019

October 18th  Agenda and Minutes

Call to order

Old Business:

  • Constitution and Bylaws – notice given
  • T-shirts – in the works
  • Legal waivers in the works

New Business

  • Mailbox
    • Motion to extend box for 6 months with notices to non-emailers and in the newsletter of upcoming discontinuation by SWANSON. MOTION PASSES.
  • Dues are due


  • Recent
    • Cave Camp
    • Cave Ridge
    • Pub Night: Black Raven Brewery 10/14 by Mark Garnick
    • She Explores Podcast
  • Upcoming
  • 10/19 – Sukkot Party – Amy Leigh
    • 10/25 – Friday – Dynamited by Dusty mostly full; vertically competent only
    • 10/26 – Windy Creek Cave? Possible cave.
    • 11/2 – Windy Creek Cave? Possible
    • 11/9 Deadhorse by Brad – some experience required (maze, crawling, Rat hole) – Meet at Trout Lake Store 10am
    • 11/9 Jackman Creek by Mark Garnick – meeting TBD
    • 11/10 – Possible “tourist” trip with Brad? (depending on interest)
    • 11/16 – Vertical Practice, weather depending (Seattle Mountaineers Program Center or Ravenna Park Bridge)
    • 11/22- Science Night at Highland Terrace Elementary, Shoreline, volunteer needed, contact Kat Wilson
    • 11/23 Dynamited by Daryl – SnoPark effective December 1st.
    • 11/28- 12/1 Friends/Thanksgiving trip to Papoose?
    • 12/7 sner!!(??)
    • Early December – Elderberry, Jenson, Ramseys, Three-Mile, etc. weather and access dependent; by Mark Garnick and Jake Earl.
    • Others


  • Newsletter will be out in less than two weeks: only three submissions since last newsletter

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