Meeting Minutes November 2023

2023-11-17 7 PM PST

Hybrid thanks to James Mooreshire. In person at the Phinney Ridge Center, Room 6.

In person attendance: Sarah Burgess, Laina, Dusty, Richard Jack, Moana, Sirius, Bill Link, Nancy Thorp, Molly, Will, Carl, Garrett, Katt Greaser, James Mooreshire, Daryl Greaser, Mark Garnik, Bram Lovelace, Helen

Remote attendance: [Lee Florea and +1 associate], Maurice, Will, Aidan, Talon, Drew Stasak, [Aidan, Tommy, Sainier], Alex K., Gage Owens, Cortney, Shannon H.


Election format (see below)

Passed: Approx 14-0

Holiday party funds ($120)

Passed: Approx 10-0


Scapegoat cave system in Montana
– Daryl about history.
— Montana Cave, resurvey started by Daryl in mid 2000s.
– Maurice on this year’s event:
— 1 mile of survey completed.
— cliff leads remain unchecked
— dye trace connects Kathy’s Icebox to One More Day
— 16 participants
— pizza party
– Daryl Greaser and Brian Gindling are who to contact to get involved.

Trip reports

  • Maurice caved on Vancouver Island with VIGEG. Noah, Joe, Megan, and Richard joined from WA. A river passage, people brought inflatable boats. (Dreamtime Cave, Minigill Cave).
  • Lee Florea went to Rhino cast on columbia plateau. “Blue Lake Rhino Cave”.
    • Size is about 6′ x 7′
    • Formed by lava creating a cast around the rhino
  • Grout Trout Lake Haloween: ~35ish people.
    • Aidan had rope cannon in Dynamited:
      • It was shot over a lava bridge but lob wasn’t heavy enough to properly rig
      • It was resplendent, however
      • Video of event:
    • Cheese cave had an excellent late-night Halloween costume party
    • Eric squeezed 10 people into a Prius to do a glow-stick cave trip
  • Eric Jorgenson went to Hell’s Canyon. Idaho cavers have the info: 70 caves. Small, well decorated. Next trip in spring.
  • Eric, Sarah, Chandler pushed crack on Excelsior Ridge Trail
    • pits are in a line/tectonic cave (don’t show in lidar)
    • lots of rockfall hazard
    • found some mushrooms
  • Aidan and Sarah and some new cavers went to Church Mountain Cave.
    • It was very wet
  • Richard joined a VICEG group trip to Thanksgiving cave:
    • VICEG has a cabin by Thanksiving cave (has RUNNING WATER)
    • looking to be resurveyed (most recent map was 1986)
    • “all walking passage” high consequence/crevasses etc
    • 30 min south of Tasus (100 miles down a dirt road from Campbell river)
    • LONG approaches from WA
  • Survey training to Dynamited:
    • Lee taught
    • many attendees and learned alot!


Holiday party

  • Sunday 12/10 @ Lumber House brewery (~4-10 PM)
  • Jake Earl’s Brewery (Black Diamond WA)

Screening of movie at Subterranian

  • Monday 11/20 @ 9 PM
  • special early screening!
  • Won best adventure @ Banff
  • Grand Illusion Cinema (U District Seattle)

USFS changing climbing rules

  • Lee Florea announced that USFS is looking to change climbing rules and we may wish to comment
  • Review on guidance on hard point installations for climbing (includes caving & rock climbing)
  • Comment period ends: 1/16/2024 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Standard Time)

Planned trips

Jackman creek cave

  • possible stream passage to survey (?)
  • “accessible” winter caving

Lime hill

  • 2k ft elevation, so may be accessible
  • SE corner of WA (along hells canyon)

Cave ridge

  • Maurice planning a snowshoe/ski trip up Cave ridge (at some point in Dec/Jan)

Business meeting

New Business


  • will create a google doc for each position
  • Talon will send out code to all people and vote similarly to past year
    • every paid member may vote
    • independent third party will be count votes
  • five positions open:
    • president
    • vice president
    • secretary
    • treasurer
    • member at large (tie break vote)


  • open now until day after holiday party


  • will be from day after holiday party until end of December


  • first meeting of 2024 (in Jan) Executive committee will transfer over to new one

Holiday party

  • to assist, contact Eric (cleaning/prep/potlock)
  • sarah may run caver storytelling
  • maurice making a carpool doc
  • can hang rope from ceiling (maybe pre-party activities?)
  • contact Sarah to be involved in holiday party stuff
  • Dusty may give presentation about rope for Newton at the party

Meeting schedule:

hybrid meetings are popular (probably we want to continue with these)

  • new Executive committee should come up with new meeting schedule
  • can be difficult for people out of town to make it on Fridays

Grotto newsletter

  • Daryl is retiring (after winning 5 ribbons)
  • all newsletters on the website!
  • trip reports can be put without much difficulty into the newsletter
  • Daryl: maintain & preserve our legacy as pdfs; critical!
  • Sarah: we have been to places that fewer people have been than even the moon; we need to document it

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