Meeting Minutes November 2019

(No December 2019 meeting)

November 15th Agenda

Call to order

Treasurer’s Report
Old Business: –

  • Mailbox – to be discontinued ~ April (depending on renewal schedule)
  • T-shirts – in the works
  • Legal waiver advice/documents from Jay Clark in the works
  • Constitution and Bylaws

New Business:

  • Poll for Annual Holidays Party
    • 12/7 Sat (9)
    • 12/13 Fri (6)
    • 12/14 Sat (8)
    • 12/21 Sat (4)
    • Others? (above dates would be hosted in Gig Harbor by Kat and Mark Wilson)
  • Vote on the Constitution and Bylaws: Members should have email from – Please vote now either YES, NO, or PRESENT via “secret ballot,” aka go on your phones/devices right now and reply/send the email
  • Nominations for officers – floor open for nominations; send nominations (you may nominate yourself) to

Announcements and Cave Trips:

  • 11/16 – SRT Vertical Practice, Ravenna Park Bridge) by Dusty 9am set up; 10am – 4pm
    • 11/17 – Jackman Creek Cave, nearby leads,  meet in Concrete 5Bs ~noon, Dusty’s at 11am horizontal cave, beginner; check out waterfall for possible canyoneering descent, contact Dusty or Laina
    • 11/22- Science Night at Highland Terrace Elementary, Shoreline, volunteer needed, contact Kat Wilson (Talon, Bob)
    • 11/23 Dynamited by Dusty and Daryl – (Likely last driving trip to entrance this season; SnoPark effective December 1st).
    • Feb 2 more Science

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