Meeting Minutes May 2024

Cascade Grotto Meeting
Hybrid meeting (Phinney Neighborhood Association and Google Meet)
Wednesday May 1, 2024

General meeting

Trip reports

Church mountain cave weekend of April 28

  • Aidan & others (17 people!)
  • successful trip

Scott’s cave & others @ Helens

  • Arhlin showed some passages in Scott’s to Bram, Sean, Eric, & others
  • Surveyed a small cave

Mexico expedition

  • Eric was caving, sketched 1 km of passage
  • got injured/sick and sat out much of the time
  • lots of people dropped out so only 6 km were done total

Dead horse

  • Alex & others
  • Rope ladder up at Rat hole


Western Regional registration is up

  • Weekend of Sept 19
  • Will be in Cougar WA

Beginner weekend

  • Weekend of May 4
  • At cougar, lots of options available

Vancouver island

  • Weekend of May 17
  • Organized by Megan
  • Fill out form by May 3
  • All horizontal cave

Wolf beginner vertical trip

  • May 31
  • Organized by Dusty

Vancouver island, Thanksgiving cave

  • June 15
  • Richard leading

Daryl giving away stuff

  • a book about caving in Mexico
  • NSS shirts


Fisher ridge cave, Kentucky Cave Rescue

Presented by Sean Lewis



  • 2nd longest cave rescue in US history (83 hours)
  • over new years 2024
  • patient (Paul) broke both bones in leg 8 hours into cave
  • SPAR was absolutely needed here


  • breakdown pile shifted, tried to dodge boulder
  • patient only had 3 working limbs
  • moved mostly under own power once splinted
  • used rigging & sked when need-be
  • alpine-style rigging (i.e. rope does not touch rock)
    • used petzl pulse & concrete anchors


  • lots of rigging skill was needed to get patient out
  • wilderness first responder skills useful
  • surface support was important
  • SPAR course is great! take it

Business meeting

Old business

Treasurer report

  • 76 paid members
  • 9259 in bank acct
  • still need to get bank account transferred over
  • if anyone needs reimbursement, email megan


  • still waiting on Sarah for this

Newton cave ropes

  • waiting on summer
  • Eric posted map (somewhere) on pitch lengths
  • Dusty did not get ropes yet because we do not have lengths (9.5 mm & 11 mm options)


  • Garret resigning as newsletter editor
  • looking for assistance here; reach out to Eric

New business

White Nose Syndrome info

  • Sarah will prepare slides about WNS and what we can do

Vancouver Island gear

  • Loaner gear needed for BC trips
  • Megan working w/ VICEG
  • discussion on how we should be tracking our own gear (e.g. spreadsheet)
  • tabled for now


  • Daryl will sell grotto the projector
  • details to be discussed later