Meeting Minutes May 2018

Tukwila Community Center

Daryl and Katt Greaser, Maurice Kirejczyk,, Sara Sawyer, Patrick Gavin, Robert Mitchell, Talon Swanson, Katlin and Nick, Brad Hutchinson Present

  • Motion to continue / pay for meeting room thru 2018 by Talon, passed unanimously
  • Action: Purchase new web hosting platform (completed) $5/month/1st 3 years
  • Board needs to review Constitution and Bylaws for updates needed
  • Discussion on changing day/time of the meeting? 501c3 status? Need more records and someone willing to do the work
  • Plan a couple of cave clean-up trips per year
  • Discussed high school / senior free memberships ? College Discount?
  • Cindy Wu is running for NSS BOG
  • Outreach we do:
    • Kat – Scouts and Science Nights
    • Tom Evans – his students; vertical practice
    • College nights??
  • 5/18 trip to Deadhorse, meet at Trout Lake Store at 10am;
  • 5/22 Pizza night in Tacoma
  • Bob knows a new Brewery in Maple Valley owned by a caver that may be a good place for a meet-up.
  • 7/23-27 NSS Convention in Helena, Montana (1st Montana convention)
  • Presentation on Papoose Cave by Daryl Greaser

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