Cascade Grotto Meeting (virtual-only)
January 20, 2022
Future meetings:
- Daryl suggested thursday for business meetings, friday for in-person
- Will suggested a bluetooth microphone for meetings would be a good investment
- we can easily present/record meetings
- Daryl: inner mountain outfitters can give us a 20% discount on vertical gear for the club
- Daryl: we never got gear because we were concerned about policy/process:
- how it’s cleaned/decon’d?
- who holds it when not in use? i.e. quartermaster
- what kind of gear would we get?
- how is it checked out/returned? do we have a deposit?
- what happens if someone doesn’t return it? late fees after 1 week use?
- Robert: we might have issues as to who has the grotto vertical gear and it vanishing
- Daryl: Eddie Cartaya’s spar training tower in OR could be a good place for us to organize sessions
- Daryl: we always have concerns w/ liability and trying to limit it (re: utah canyoneering suit)
- Daryl: what helps is that we are recognized as a non-profit (NSS told us this)
- we are not a 501c but that still gives us legal protection
- elections:
- chair: eric
- lauren: vice-chair
- maurice: secretary
- talon: treasurer
- 9 people voted
- new officers take effect at this meeting
Summer cave ideas:
- Windy creek cave:
- Will was there in May, patchy snow was still there
- Daryl wants to ensure the route is set down before we schedule a grotto trip
- bolting equipment might be needed
- campsites can be iffy: if there is snow/high water that’s bad, if dry that is good
- two campsites:
- creek camp: flood risks are pretty low as the creeks don’t come from glaciers
- county line camp: good flat area for tenting
- two campsites:
- Albright cave:
- we have official permission from the owner now
- in Riverside, WA (6 hrs from Seattle)
- Gardner cave:
- contact staff at state park, offering to clean cave
- we used to do this more often but lost touch
- Daryl did this kinda stuff back in Montana
- in Crawford state park
- contact staff at state park, offering to clean cave
- Pend Oreille river:
- Robert has lots of assorted leads around the river
- some stuff is public land, some is private land
- Daryl wants to lead a Papoose trip (July-ish)
- Will is tentatively thinking Vancouver island for a few day trip
Future trips:
- fewer but larger trips
- e.g. a trout lake cave weekend
- can have more hype, more interest
- saturday can be beginner trip, sunday can be advanced caves
- possibly three events like this per year:
- St Helens, Trout Lake, Cave Ridge, Concrete
Communication venues:
- problem is not every place is updated all at once
- we currently only use facebook & email
- other options:
- slack, telegram
Action items:
- any updates on the cave rescue scholarship (Eric & Vandy)
- look into a bluetooth microphone (Will)
- proposal w/ costs for vertical gear stuff (Daryl)
- proposal for vertical gear for the Feburary meeting (Daryl)
- 4 or 5 kits total
- a kit roughly costs like 400 or 500
- we should get a variety of gear so people can test out different things (e.g. bobbin & rack)
- proposal for vertical gear for the Feburary meeting (Daryl)
- buy copies of Kim Lauper’s book “Caves of Trout lake”: (3 volumes)—e (Eric)
- Proposal to set aside budget passes
- 6 for, none against
- new officers
- update google docs permissions to add new officers (Daryl)
- cascade_grotto email goes to current officers, needs to be updated (Daryl)
- add exchange newsletters to website (Daryl)
- prep for beginner Lake cave trip in April: get people based in OR to organize
- try out the Slack channel for those who aren’t using Facebook/email (Daryl)
- shoot out an email w/ a dues reminder (Daryl)
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