Meeting Minutes January 2020

January 17 2020

Tukwila, WA

18 cavers attending, including >5 new faces.

Introductions – Everyone was asked what they wanted to get out of the grotto this year, and these are the responses:

  • more caving
  • Windy Creek Cave trip
  • Increase skill sets
  • Caving events
  • “Telecommuting” (live stream of meetings)
  • Basic training
  • Become a safe, competent caver
  • Science nights (exposing kids to caving)
  • Instructor training – train the trainers
  • “cave digger” leads
  • beginners trips
  • Deadhorse trip
  • more vertical
  • Cave Ridge rescue cache inventory
  • Newsletter submissions

Elections – the following officers have been elected for one year terms:

Daryl Greaser- Chair

Eric Jorgenson – Vice Chair

Madeline Frank – Secretary

Talon Swanson – Treasurer

Constitution – the proposed replacement Constitution, Bylaws, and Operating Procedures (Standing Rules/Orders), was accepted by unanimous vote. Per the existing rules, members were notified of proposed changes well beyond the 30 days specified. Feedback received from individuals was incorporated where appropriate. The new rules include common sense updates, requirements from the NSS, and is in accord with the way we do business.

Grotto Gear to be purchased


Cave Trips

(No December 2019 meeting)

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