2/21/20 7pm
1. Introductions
2. Old Business
- Treasurers report – doing well financially due to membership. $7000 in the bank. Discretionary funds for rentals, PO Box, holiday party, etc.
- T shirts – Chi messed up and didn’t bring t shirt info. She will get the shirt info to Daryl and post it on the Cascade Grotto fb. Question – how will people pay for shirts? Maybe the Paypal account?
- Reimbursement for Dusty – language put together.
Eric maybe has the verbiage written up? Will need to formalize so people can
get reimbursed.
- Motion to reimburse dusty for gas the last
vertical practice. All in favor.
- Dusty will email receipt to grotto email
- Motion to reimburse dusty for gas the last
vertical practice. All in favor.
- Eric is taking over newsletter – yay
- Renato – last meeting was decided brad dusty and
Renato to propose a set of personal gear for vertical practice as loaner gear.
Karstsport and ?
- Set package (includes carabiner, cow-tail, kroll, mini rack/bobbin, harness, etc and other details, no helmets quoted). If we buy 5, it will be standard price 250-300$. These will be used for caving trips and training sessions
- Is there a liability risk that grottos are loaning vertical gear?
- Does grotto also need rope?
- Sponsorship for these items? Discount?
- Where would the gear reside? Who would be the warden of the gear? Will need an inventory system. Will need to establish and written policy before the gear is purchased (in order to track the gear).
- Sizes?
3. New Business
- Next vertical practice – Mar 14 Ravenna Bridge or Mountaineers depending on weather
- Beginner trip – April 18. Planning?
- 27th next Thur science night in shoreline. Mock cave will be set up, volunteers appreciated. Put volunteer events on grotto website?
- July 1 is dusty 50! Let’s party vertical with him! Most likely the last weekend of June!
Adjourned Business portion of meeting at 8 pm.
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