Cascade Grotto Meeting
Hybrid meeting (Phinney Neighborhood Association and Google Meet)
Wednesday August 7, 2024
General Meeting
Poet’s Crest by Mark Garnick
Trip Reports
Lady of Fire cave
- Avril
- Drew, Tommy, & others
- issue(s) with cave lock
- worth the drive (6 hrs!)
Cave ridge
- Lots of people
- rerigged newton w/ 9.5mm (fast ropes!)
- attempt at survey/exploration of exhilation (lots of air!)
Poets’ Crest
- Mark, Kelden, & others
- lots of digging
- cold caves
Pirates treasure
- Abigail
- small crack, not much treasure sadly
September meeting
- likely delayed 1 week due to many people absent
SPAR class in Bend, OR
- Mid august
- lots of local members going there
Scapegoat expedition
- Late August/Early sept
Ridley creek trip (N of Poet’s crest)
- Mark
- Friday 16th of August through Sunday
- check out sinkholes
Poets Crest Trip
- Friday 23rd of August through Sunday
Papoose trip
- 28th-29th (or Oct)
Trout lake Halloween trip
- Nov 1-3
- Bring costumes!
Cave ridge trip
- at some point
Western regional update
- weekend of Sept 19-22
- USFS has concerns and we are working through them
- camp and car sites are all sold out with a waitlist
- lone fir motel is still available for that day
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