Meeting Minutes August 2023

Cascade Grotto Meeting
Online-only (via google meet)
August 14


Marbles Trip

Presented by Jennifer Jain

  • Jennifer got started caving in WA, now in CA
  • Marble mountains
    • around klamath forest area
    • PCT crosses part of area
    • lots of alpine caves, not well surveyed/explored
  • big group
    • 6 hour drive from bay area
    • some people were on 4th of july weekend
    • some people stayed all week
    • some people just ate food and chilled
      • 4.5 miles, around 4k elevation gain
  • camp at 6.2k ft
    • some caves are close to camp
    • others are at like 2k ft
    • some horizontal caves but mostly vertical
    • very deep caves/very cold
    • people often rent mules for the way up (~60 lbs)
    • planetary dairy cave (super short) named for formations on walls
    • bigfoot cave: lots of caves have connections to it
      • two long rappels with rockfall possibilities
        • also very cold, need lots of warmth
    • double arch cave: very cold
      • technical rope situations
    • lots of snow present: worried about getting in
  • Jennifer’s first trip to check out the area
    • lots of poking around possible/ridge walking to check it out
    • very vertical, requires SRT gear
    • lots of survey possibilities
    • caves change a good deal due to snow
  • alpine area so risky/cold
  • caves are in the 30s F
  • bears & deer are visible up there
    • bear cans are advised
  • Eric: 8 hour drive from Seattle
    • hike is easier than cave ridge!
    • great caving
  • Drew’s first time at the Marbles
    • very welcoming
    • wonderful alpine environment
    • LOTS of breakdown
      • first group in there so everything was breaking down
      • blowing like crazy
  • lots of holes in the karst; many have never been explored (most are pretty vertical)
    • lots of drops are into domes
  • Claude also was there about 10 years ago, pushed and explored lots of things

Trip Reports

Mistaken identity cave, by trout lake

Claude (8/14)

  • right by root loops cave

Newton cave, on cave ridge

Aidan, Sarah, and Andrew (8/10)

  • removed gross shag carpet
  • couldn’t find colon crawl leading to 5th pitch
    • tim tried to find colon crawl and had difficulty
    • tim is very active and goes there often
    • thursday evening trips up to cave ridge
  • doing some project work up on cave ridge to get better data

Bonanza cave mine

Eric, Joe, Andrew, Jessica, Will

  • first trip ever there to cave
  • dome that leads up maybe 50′
  • very sketchy 300′ rappel into the mid-level mine
  • cave is in contact zone between marble/volcanic
    • not seems to be very solutional (mostly faulting)

Canyon ridge trail ridge karsty-stuff search

Jessie, Allie

  • monument 47, canyon ridge trail
  • didn’t find that much

Poet’s crest

Mark, Andrew, kenny, Will, Sarah, Abigail, Joe, Amy

  • went into duck under and peeked out some stuff
  • surveyed royalty cave
  • checkd out sinks full of snow
  • found 200′ cave with a waterfall
  • looks like some of the sumps may be able to be dived, eponymous
  • 341 ft with dig leads in stream passage
  • surveyed over 1k ft of passage
  • have a promising sump at the top with LOTS of potential passage below
  • will do multiple trips still this summer


Cave ridge trip to hell hole (weekend of 8/19)
James Mooreshire

  • primary intent is photography
  • 50 ft vertical drop

Lake cave trip (weekend of 8/26)

  • facebook page event
  • easy beginner trip

Dynamited trip (early September)

  • lots of groups (cascade & oregon grottos)

Wallowas mountains (8/17)

  • this thursday
  • backpacking & ridge walking
  • 7 hour drive

Rocky mountain regional

  • 2nd weekend of September
  • bear mountains
  • Eric & Sarah are registered
  • alpine limestone
  • main drain is 1k ft

Western regional (9/29)

  • Sonora, ca

Tag fall cave in (10/7)

  • classic TAG caving

Lee doing caving in southern KY

  • reach out to lee for serious project caving there

Bellingham pub night

  • Jessica organized (once a month or so)


Meeting about meetings

  • Eric: turns out people want monthly meetings
  • Sarah: hybrid meetings are popular (to keep people involved who cannot make physical meetings)
  • Robert: posted thoughts on facebook of historical discussions on this subject

Vertical gear:

  • stakeholders: Eric, Lauren, Daryl
  • haven’t gotten things going
  • hurdles:
    • storage of gear
    • legal waivers for usage
    • will try to get it reapproved
    • previous gear was very informally stored

Aidan & Sarah:

  • trying to create sensors to leave in caves
  • if can make them looking to secure funds for production


  • dye tracing on poets crest

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