Cascade Grotto Meeting
Hybrid meeting (Phinney Neighborhood Association and Google Meet)
Wednesday June 5, 2024
Cave rescue scholarship
- Proposed by Sarah
- Seconded by Bram
- PASSED: 8 for, none against
Creating cave rescue committee, w/ chair & cochair
- Proposed by Sarah
- Seconded by Bram
- PASSED: 9 for, none against
General Meeting
Trip Reports
Beginners trip in cougar
- (May 4, 5)
- lots of attendees (22+)
- trips to lake, scotts, lape, little red river, pillars of hercules
Pillars of hercules
- (May 11, 12)
- sarah, bram, & friends
- also went to lake cave
Cave ridge (cascade) resurvey
- (May)
- bram, maurice, sarah
- did about 100 ft
California cave research foundation
- (May 25-27)
- bram
- resurvey of caves
British Columbia cave rescue course
- (May 25-27)
- at horne lake on vancouver island
- spar course & cave rescue responder course
Prerigging trip
- (May 25-27)
- dusty & laina
- prerigged 80% of cave
- rigging will remain through the season
- wolf den rigged
- upper wolf
- bolts added
- traverse line added
Beginner vertical weekend
- June (1, 2)
- dusty & laina
- top highlight:
- hand sanitizer in the latrine!
- zipline
- had 25 attendees
Western regional
- registration is now open
- first week in july
Thanksgiving cave
- registration for trip to VI is now closed/trip full
NCRC level 1
- over three weekends in california
- (registration is not open yet)
Trout lake trip
- (june 8, 9)
- lead by Brad this weekend
- post on facebook page
Cave ridge
- Bram
- doing some trips on cave ridge
New ropes for cave ridge
- Dusty ordered ropes for cave ridge
- didn’t have 150 ft lengths
- asked for “the longest 100ft-ers”
- 9.5mm ropes
- memorial day sale (3 ropes for $120)
- carry up rope during camping time
- lead by maurice
- Covered knots
- figure 8
- figure 8 follow-through
- double figure 8
- alpine butterfly
Business meeting
Treasurers report
- hasn’t been updated since last month
Cave ridge ropes
- Dusty’s new ropes:
- atwood ropes
- 3×100 for $120
- 9.5mm HTP
NCRC regional coordinator
- Hannah Keith
- Represents WA, OR, AK
Cave rescue scholarship
- Lauren Kenyon cave rescue scholarship
- proposal included
- $250 will be donated once per year
- donations can be offered by others
- Passed by vote
- Amendments can be offered at next meeting
Washington cave rescue resource (WCRR)
- subcommittee of grotto, internal to grotto
- nominations can be offered by email list by the meeting
- will meet 2x a year
Organizational structure
- dusty self-nominating for co-chair
- decade of cave rescue experience
- works in industrial rescue
- sarah self-nominating for co-chair
- has taken a number of cave rescue classes
- Committee creation passed by vote above
Cave rescue class
- OCR: orientation to cave rescue
- Proposal to be by cougar
- Lead by hannah keith (ncrc coordinator)
- possible leaders
- dusty (WA)
- john punches (OR)
- eddie cartaya (OR)
- naiomi by mt rainier (?)
- tom evans (NM)
- Drew took horizontal spar course with him
- Hannah could teach weekend of Aug 10-11, 17-18
- spar class is right after (13-18)
What is OCR?
day 1
- how to handle a litter
- play with cave phones
- what happens in a rescue
- what should you have in your pack
- basic medical
day 2
- mock cave rescue scenario in cave
- see how the logistics really work to assist
- may cover some vertical cave rescue techniques
Zach parsons: has a summary/proposal out for callout list
- big callout list for trips
- work in progress
- Van has a big list previously was used in WCCR that is out of date that could be a good reference
Renato was in a course lead by John Punches @ dynamited
- lots of work in doing all of the coordination
- sar/sheriffs departments don’t have much knowledge of what we do and can take some convincing
White nose syndrome
- decontamination station required for western regional
- WNS has been detected in 2016
- but as far as we know nothing has been detected in caves
- either:
- 55C (130F) water for 20 minutes
- use approved chemicals
- see:
- theoretically no gear that has been in Washington state should be used on Vancouver Island
- this is an ask by VICEG (vancouver island cave exploration group)
- vancouver island dedicated gear is requested
- we may try working out loaner gear
- we may make a white nose committee
- Jaq mentioned: may wish to coordinate with other grottos in the region to deal with this
- AK has no WNS, so similar to Vancouver Island situation
- prince of wales island has most caves
- concern may be this is a trust issue:
- do people actually decon their gear
- Jaw & Bram working on newsletter for last year
Halloween trip
- may be first weekend of Nov
- we need to remind people to bring warm weather gear
- any objection to that being in November speak to Bram
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