Meeting Minutes September 2023

Phinney Neighborhood Association, 14 Sept at 7pm

call to order @704


23 present

Bram (Lovelace) gave a 20 min presentation on caving and virgin survey in Binkley Cave in Indiana, 8th longest in the US as over 46 miles

Trip Reports:

Aidan reported on Neelie Creek cave, parking on the highway, Bram being stung by bees, Devil’s club, looked at the lead at the bottom.

Sarah Burgess reported on collecting water samples on the south side of St Helens in Little Red RIver cave with Lee Florea, for science. Lee reports that most of Washington’s springs are not in the national database like other states, even though the springs on St Helens are on par with springs in Indiana.

Bram, Vandy, Chris, et al when into Hellhole and Red cave

Bram reported on trip with Mark Garnick, Rob Lewis, et al to Poet’s Crest. Another trip this weekend

Eric, Lee, Jessie, Allie went to the Wallowas and found two small caves 50 and 80 feet but nothing else. Water samples were taking.

Eric and Amy Kolor went by Jackman Creek and reported on the talus and

Eric briefly reported on Scapegoat and the leads still going! Daryl reported that Bobby cooked FIVE pizzas in one day at base camp. full report at a future meeting

Chris Lam led a beginner’s trip to Lake Cave and Ole’s Cave. Someone put logs over the entrance for unknown reasons. Another group when to Bat cave.

Maurice, Sarah, and Abigal Mack went to SPAR in Redmond, OR. All week offered by Direct Action Vertical, Eddy Cartaya’s business. The trapped caver Mark (x) in Turkey in the news this week is Eddy’s business partner.

Lee Florea surveyed 600 feet in a 10-mile cave in his project cave in (KY) – camp is set up, fully stocked, two massive leads, one at the top of a dome past a shale layer, and another which is the opposite side of a massive come Sulphur Mountain, Wayne county KY. field house has electricity and water and rats, but the (other)


Lauren Kenyon, Vice Chair, died in a canyonering accident in North Cascades NP last month. There are no words. Eric led a moment of silence in her memory and said he would be available

This Weekend – multi-grotto campout at Trout Lake Creek campground

Sept 23 – Nason Ridge – Eric is leading a trip

Sept 27th – Library office hours at Eric’s

Sept 29/Oct 2 – Western Region convention

October Trout Lake Halloween trip

Sarah Burgess is leading SRT practice at the Mountaineers Program Center, weeknights (next Wednesday) –

Dusty mentioned he’s in Mount Vernon and always has ropes up and is open to practice at his place

October 20/21 Maurice , Lee, and Sarah have been discussing offering cave survey classes near Mount Saint Helens

Daryl reported that The Cascade Caver won merit awards at the NSS Convention this year, with Mariana Tomas-Savage and Josh Hydeman’s photos. He also implored folks to send in photos and stories of Lauren Kenyon as that’s the least we can do to honor her.

Dusty reported on “Hollow Mountain”

TAG Fall-Cave in is the 10/7-10/8 weekend; Sarah and Maurice are going

Maurice is going to a caving in Poland

Amy Bredes is here!

New Business:

Katt Greaser moves that the Cascade Grotto donates $100 to Lauren’s partners GoFundMe in the name of the grotto

Vice Chair is now vacant. Sarah Burgess volunteers to fill the position.

Tim Fenton brought up the poor condition of the rope in Newton Cave.

Eric Jorgenson moves the grotto replace all of the rope in Newton Cave, up to $400 of Grotto funds. Motion Passed.

Eric Jorgenson moves that the grotto add a Member At Large to the Executive Committee. Daryl seconds the motion.

Laina brought up determining when and where our Annual Party

Old Business:

No discussion of old business

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