Meeting Minutes September 2022

Cascade Grotto Meeting
Phinney Neighborhood Association/Zoom
September 28

Presentation: Scapegoat 2022 expedition


  • Scapegoat is a 240k acre wilderness in Montana
  • Part of a 2.54 million acre roadless area
  • Massive karst area explored in the 70s but not much later on
  • Large pits up on plateau are plugged up by snow most of the year, creating caves
  • Approach is 30 mile gravel/dirt road, then 13 mile hike in
  • Mules haul much of the gear/food to camp
  • Weather is highly variable: sunny, smokey, or even snow
  • This year is the 50th anniversary of the wilderness creation


  • Green Fork: main entrance
  • Kathy’s Icebox: near Greek Fork, target of the expedition
  • New caves found!
    • Eric found 5 caves up on high cliffs:
      • 3 fairly accessible
      • 2 required climbing
      • Surveyed 2 of the caves

Promising Leads

  • Bobby pushed a lead of a dome (crab butter) but only lead to a big room
  • Resurveyed One More Day cave, pushed a lead that may go to Scapegoat
  • Examined pits on the plateau
  • Built a dam out of clay to divert a waterfall and went down
    • found a new lead that goes but ran out of rope
    • Bobby did a climb to find a massive passage (40 ft by 60 ft) that lead both ways
  • Half-moon park (other side of the valley) may have caves but no easy access (250 ft climbs)

Kathy’s Icebox

  • Tough access: requires rappel down, climb up, or long through trip
  • Consists of large canyon-like passages up to 80 ft tall, only a few ft wide
  • Some crawly passages but mostly walking
  • Rigging required for some passages
  • Sections are fairly wet: “lake” goes up to the waist
  • Kathy’s Icebox used to be filled with ice; not as much anymore
  • Lots of formations hidden away including calcite rafts


  • five star backcountry dining, making pizza, steak, biscuits, cake, etc


  • How deep is it?
    • 1400 ft of possible depth, deepest known pit is ~250 ft
  • What is the temperature?
    • Water is 34 F, air is 35-40 F
  • Are bears an issue?
    • Definitely around and we hear reports but haven’t been so far

Trip reports

  • Remapped cave near Mt Saint Helens crater
    • Eddie Cartaya has been lead there for years
  • Surveying caves in Alaska
    • Caused areas of wilderness to be protected from logging/mining
  • Trout lake caving/digging
  • Bonanza queen mine: tried to access marble cave
    • Cave sits on inaccessible 2nd level of 3 level mine
    • Requires climb up or down mine shaft
  • Poet’s crest surveys ongoing
  • Ape cave cleanup
    • Vandy got a battery-powered pressure washer to clean graffiti


  • Western Regional in Nevada is this weekend
  • Cave ridge trip up to Cascade this weekend
  • Poet’s crest surveying this weekend
  • Every weekend there’s caving in Trout Lake, Claude will be digging
  • Dead horse cave in November 12 lead by Brad
  • Dusty has a Dynamited/Wolff trip, thinking 10/22 (open to suggestions)
  • Nason ridge later this month: possible fissures to explore
  • Ape cave cleanup: Oct 29 – Nov 5
    • they will have a generator/water and will be able to camp in parking lot
    • contact vandy to assist w/ cleanup
    • email information is on facebook & google group

Official business:

  • Mark Garnick wants to buy a survey device (BRIC 4) for $850
    • only good device now as Disto X isn’t available for purchase
    • could be hard to track such a thing: we could lose it
    • would people use it?
      • seems like there’s some interest
      • they don’t last forever: 4-6 years
    • no vote was taken
  • Eric proposes NCRC scholarship proposal
    • teaches people cave rescue (requires vertical cave experience)
    • do we want to only have 1 person per year?
    • should this be best fit or first applicant?
    • how does this get back to the grotto?
    • tabling discussion for later

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