Meeting Minutes November 2019

November 16, 2018

Tukwila Community Center, Seattle

Business Meeting Minutes of the Cascade Grotto

Present: Daryl Greaser (Vice Chair), Madeline Schaller (Chair), Robert Mitchell, Chi Tran, Eric Jorgenson, Dusty Goldscheider, Maurice Kirejczyk, Brad Hutchinson, Talon Swanson (Treasurer), Chris Larson

Joey Largent – new member – welcome Joey!

Treasurer’s Report

– $6609 in Treasury as of October meeting.

– Meeting Room B reserved for 1/18, 2/15, 4/19, 5/17, 6/21, 7/19, 9/20, 10/18, 11/15

MOTION: Shaller moves to allocate $150 to the Wilson’s for hosting the Annual Holidays Party. Last year was a great success. Motion passes unanimously

MOTION: Jorgenson moves to allocate $70 dollars for materials for a grotto-owned Squeeze box. Motion passes unanimously (and was a big hit at the Holidays Party!)


Grotto T-shirts – update from Renato – met with NW Custom Apparel – can make anything in The North Face and Columbia catalogs with custom logos. T-shirts in cotton and poly, fleece jacket, hoodies, min order of 12.  baseball cap min of 24, still waiting for estimate. – they can put up a webstore with our items and will take care of orders, distribution, etc. Renato to tell them we will commit to 24 quote needed. A show of hands of those present, all would buy any T-shirt, poly or cotton. Dusty suggests looking at fleece vests

Action Item: need high-resolution scan of logo delivered.

Website update: Waiting for significant WordPress update, which will drive the design of the site. Pending meeting with member Tyler who has significant WP experience. Can definitely use help from those with experience with WordPress, HTML, etc. Soon will need help from “worker bees” to upload entire digital library to a user-friendly interface.

Daryl received one of the grotto’s hard drives and will transfer content to the website.


Nominations: All positions are up for re-election. (Nominations do not have to be seconded, however, the person nominated can decline the nomination).

– Chair Madeline Schaller is resigning her post.

– Talon Swanson nominated for Treasurer

– Chi Tran nominated as Secretary

– Nick Bertucci nominated as Secretary

– Daryl Greaser nominated for Chair

– Renato nominated as Carbonara Chair 🙂

Anti-Harassment Policy: The NSS has adopted a Anti-Harassment policy; Cascade Grotto will either need to abide by theirs or adopt our own to maintain our Charter. Update after the Spring BOG meeting

MOTION: Greaser moves to adopt the NSS Policy, as a lot of wordsmithing went into it’s development (less work for us!). We can always vote to amend it later. 

MOTION: Kirejczyk moves to adopt it now, and vote on formal ratification at the January meeting. Motion passes unanimously


– Eric Jorgenson has taken possession of grotto library materials from Cory Bantam. The grotto would like to recognize their selfless commitment to our good cause!

– The NSS has approved an introductory membership for anyone under age 26! This is a regular electronic membership (no printed publications) and is 50% off regular price. Details to come.

 The NSS has opened the “Slack” site to all members. It is basically a new version of a members’ forum. go to: to learn more!

Windy Creek Cave trip for late June 2019


Renato Dalle Mulle showed photos from a summer trip to Cave Ridge.

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