Meeting Minutes April 2019

April 2019

  • Tukwila Community Center
  • Meeting Minutes:
    • Attendees: Paul Ho, Choice Meyer, Brad Hutchinson, Eric Jorgensen, Robert Mitchell, Talon Swanson, Ryan Maier, Chi Tran, Dary Greaser.
    • Old Business:
      • T shirts – Chris is in process to give written quote. Coming soon
      • NSS Anti-Harassment policy
        • Vote to adopt NSS policy; approved, Cascade Grotto to adopt NSS Anti-Harassment policy as-is.
        • Action Item: Daryl to present anti-harassment policy at next meeting.
      • Wilsons were paid from Grotto funds for holiday party
      • Eric paid from Grotto funds for squeeze box
    • New Business:
      • Chris Whittenbrink updated logo and high quality scan of logo. Quote is in process for Seattle Flag Co. for logo on the flag.
        • Costs <$100
        • Flag used for grotto events
      • Renato to visit Bill Halliday in Port Angeles this month. Anyone interested, Daryl will have Renato’s contact.
      • Kat’s Science nights –  could use volunteers
      • Daryl to line up cave trips and get them on a calendar (proposed trips):
        • Brad – Trout Lake 2/23 weekend
        • Dusty – March 23 Vertical practice/SRT at Mountaineers in Seattle.
        • Ron Zuber, Van Bergen – San Juan Island Caves. Daryl to contact?
        • Annual Beg. Trip – April 27 – 28
        • Dusty – Wolfe Cave, Lewis River Area, May 11-12
        • Brad – Deadhorse Cave
        • Papoose, June
        • Windy Creek Cave, July

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