Meeting Minutes July 2019

No meeting in August

July19, 2019

Tukwila Community Center

Meeting Agenda

Participants: Eric, Bob, Miki, Brad, Choice, Katt, Daryl

Old Business

            Legal waivers for trips

  • Discussion on the merits of waivers
  • Brad led a P-town area Meet Up group “Cascadia Explorers” on a caving trip – Brad proposes we create a Meet Up group. Eric reports costs are around $19/mo. Look into it.

          -Grotto membership cards – could we make Grotto membership cards? -DARYL ACTION ITEM

New Business

  • Report from 2019 Tennessee Convention – Tyrone went we think? Sid said it was awesome. Cindy Wu went too
  • The Chair has decreed that it is impossible to continually align the closed Facebook group with paid members. As such, the Chair has issued an Executive Order that all parties interested in the Group can have access. (If someone disagrees, they have to find the person to maintain the list. No one will do it, therefore it’s a pointless unenforceable rule). Obviously, please continue to refrain from posting cave locations on the Group (Cave names and general locations like “Cave Ridge,” “Trout Lake area,” etc.  are fine).
  • The name of the FB group is now “Cascade Cavers”
    • Motion by Greaser: Make the above the new directive. Seconded by Katt, passes unanimously
  • Eric questions the redundancy of changing our grotto group name to “Cascade Cavers” and suggests we delete the group and point everyone to the Northwest Cavers group which has more members. Events should only be posted in one place. Let’s ruminate:
  • Host BOG meeting? Requirements- host Howdy Party Friday night, obtain venue for all-day meeting Saturday, possibly host cave trip on Sunday (but not absolutely required)
    • All agree it sounds possible and fun (Katt)


  • Changed the name of the FB Group to “Cascade Cavers” in order to better reflect the intent of the group and to eliminate confusion with the Cascade Grotto PAGE. -see above
  • 2-inch stickers and magnets are now available. Due to volume purchasing, ALL stickers and magnets (2” and 3”) are now $1.
  • Are you planning on traveling the WORLD?? DO you realize that there are CAVERS EVERYWHERE who are just dying to show you their local cave?? This can make international travel that much more fun! Here’s a tip: Join the Facebook Groups “Cavers of Facebook” and “National Speleological Society” – there you can find other cavers around the world, advice on what to see, and who to contact. It’s a much smaller caving community than you think, and most cavers want to show vistors their caves!

Cave Trips:

  • 7/20 Cave Ridge by Amy Leigh and Eric Jorgenson. Open to beginners.


            P’ap Wees Page – photos and video from the two June trips to Papoose:

            Cascade Grotto members participating:

Cory Bantam, Justen Despain, Gilly Elor, Ivy Friedman, Daryl Greaser, Eric Jorgenson, Miki Kanada, Maurice Kjerksiki, Amy Leigh Bredes, James Mooreshire, Taylor Peterson

            Papoose Cave in Dry Conditions, Idaho Public Televison, 5 min preview

            “Idaho’s Middle Earth”, Idaho Public Television, 26 min.

            Papoose Cave in FLOOD Conditions, Cascade Grotto trip, June 2019, 10 min:

Derek Bristol’s Videos On: Basic Vertical SRT

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