Meeting Minutes September 2019

Cascade Grotto Meeting


  1. Introductions – new faces
  2. Old Business
    1. Legal waivers
      1. Jay Clark is a lawyer and NSS member who is offering pro-bono work/advice for liability lawsuits; offering to grottos. Work would be specific to Washington laws.
      2. NSS member response from poll asking if Grottos (non-exhaustive) use them is 50/50 agree and disagree (need or don’t need)
      3. Trip leaders advised to have waiver for trips?
      4. Daryl will contact lawyer to draft liability waiver, since it is free. Will have NSS lawyers review after.
      5. Do not charge people for events
    2. New ways to meet new members – hosted by
      1. Meetups
        1. Will look into Meetup group for grotto
        2. Will table until next meeting
      2. Pub nights
    3. Grotto membership cards – table business for next time
      1. Digital issued cards?
    4. Cave t shirts
      1. Need shirt quote, swag quote.
        1. Action item—Chi
  3. New Business
    1. New Grotto Constitution is here!
      1. Draft version
      2. Will need review
        1. Review old by-laws and the new draft
        2. Can be adopted 30 days from today (?)
        3. Will require 2/3 majority vote to adopt
        4. Link to the draft will be sent to all dues-paying member to review
      3. Will fully adopt at November meeting
    2. Upcoming trips
      1. Sept 21 Cave Ridge
      2. Oct 19-20 Wolffs
      3. Nov 9-10 Deadhorse Cave on Saturday, Sunday easy caving

Meeting portion adjourned at 8 pm. 5-10 minute break until evening presentation on Frog System by Dusty and Daryl

No meeting in August

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