Meeting Minutes May 2019

May 17, 2019 Tukwila Community Center Meeting Agenda Attendees: Daryl Greaser, Talon Swanson, Robert Mitchell, Lane Holdcroft (returning member from the mid-90s), Eric Jorgenson, Brad Hutchinson, Choice Meyer, Miki Kanada, Gilly Elor, Sid Creutz, Tyrone Phillips. -Call to order and Introductions – Old Business             – $30 allocated to snacks for Beginner’s Trip             _$30 … Read more

Meeting Minutes May 2018

Tukwila Community Center Daryl and Katt Greaser, Maurice Kirejczyk,, Sara Sawyer, Patrick Gavin, Robert Mitchell, Talon Swanson, Katlin and Nick, Brad Hutchinson Present Motion to continue / pay for meeting room thru 2018 by Talon, passed unanimously Action: Purchase new web hosting platform (completed) $5/month/1st 3 years Board needs to review Constitution and Bylaws for … Read more