2020 NSS Virtual Convention

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the National Speleological Society’s Annual Convention was held entirely online. Dozens of the presentations are published on the NSS YouTube channel, prefixed “NSSCon2020” here: https://www.youtube.com/c/NationalSpeleologicalSociety/playlists Among the presentation playlists: Awards Salon Video Salon Lightning Talks International Exploration Getting Started Caving Conservation and Management US Exploration State Cave Surveys … Read more

Meeting Minutes January 2020

January 17 2020 Tukwila, WA 18 cavers attending, including >5 new faces. Introductions – Everyone was asked what they wanted to get out of the grotto this year, and these are the responses: more caving Windy Creek Cave trip Increase skill sets Caving events “Telecommuting” (live stream of meetings) Basic training Become a safe, competent … Read more