The following are the rules as they exist currently as of October 2019.

I. The name of this organization shall be the Cascade Grotto of the National Speleological

II. The purposes of this grotto shall be: to promote interest in and to advance in any and all ways
the study and science of speleology, the protection of caves and their natural contents, and to
promote fellowship among those interested therein. This grotto shall have the additional
object of organizing the members of the National Speleological Society in the Pacific
Northwest into a group to better promote these purposes.

Section 1. This organization is organized exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific,
literary, or educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall
not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt
from Federal Income Tax under Sec. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(This is standard language. It does not mean we *are* a 501c3, it means we operate *like* one. This has important tax advantages)

III. The entire management and government of this grotto except as otherwise expressly provided
shall be vested with the membership. (Giving the EC the authority to execute the functions of the Grotto is standard in most grottos. This was clearly changed at some point in the past due to a lack of change at the top. The ability to oust leadership or reverse their decisions is expressly provided in the draft version, with direction from the NSS.)

Section 1. The officers of the grotto shall be: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and/or
Treasurer, elected yearly by the membership. Their duties shall be those usually associated
with each office.
Section 2. The membership shall have complete power to manage the grotto, to make rules
relating to subsequent elections, to formulate by-laws, to appoint chairmen of special
committees, to raise funds in any manner not inconsistent with the policies of the Board of
Governors of the NSS, and to perform all other necessary functions.

IV. General meetings of the grotto shall be held at such times and places as are determined by the
membership. The chairman of the grotto shall have the power to call special business
meetings whenever necessary but first must obtain the consent of a majority of the voting

(Again, the EC shall determine where the meetings will be. The membership can overrule any decision by 2/3 vote regardless)

V. Membership is open to all persons in the Pacific Northwest interested in the grotto’s purposes,
who have complied with conditions of membership set forth in the Bylaws.

Section 1. Only members with their grotto dues paid shall have voting rights in the election
of officers or at meetings.

VI. The constitution and bylaws of the NSS shall be binding on this grotto. Any action
inconsistent therewith shall be null and void.

VII. Any property held by this grotto shall revert to the NSS in the event of dissolution of the

Article I.
The Cascade Grotto shall have five classes of membership:

Section 1. Regular members shall be those persons who have signified their desire to
become members, have paid current dues, live in the Pacific Northwest, and are not voting
members of other grottos of the NSS or other units of the Northwest
Caving Association. Regular members receive all grotto publications and are entitled to vote
on all pertinent matters.
Section 2. Household members are relatives of a regular member, live at the same address,
and have paid current dues. Household members receive no publications. Those over 15
years of age are entitled to vote on all pertinent matters.
Section 3. Subscribing members are persons who have paid the current subscription rate for
grotto publications but who do not desire to be active participants in grotto activities.
Subscribing members receive all grotto publications but are not entitled to vote on any grotto
matter. (This section is obsolete as we do not print and mail newsletters)
Section 4. Associate members shall be those persons who have signified their desire to
participate in grotto activities but either live outside the Pacific Northwest or are voting
members of other grottos of the NSS or other units of the Northwest
Caving Association. Upon payment of current dues, associate members receive all grotto
publications, are encouraged to attend all grotto activities, but are not entitled to vote. (This is discriminatory practice. Cascade is in no “danger” of “outsiders” coming in and usurping the Grotto. We should have no restriction as to geographic location for members. The unwritten language here is that we do not want to have voting members that vote in other Grottos. The updated classes of membership provide for that)
Section 5. Honorary members shall be those persons elected to lifetime memberships in
recognition of outstanding services or achievements. No more than one Honorary member
may be elected in any one year. Honorary members pay no dues, receive all grotto
publications free for one year, and are entitled to vote on all pertinent matters.

Article II.
a. Dues for regular and associate members shall be $20.00 per year
including the electronic version of grotto publications or $28.00 per year
including the printed version of grotto publications.
b. Dues for household members shall be an additional $5.00 per year.
c. Subscription rate for grotto publications shall be $15.00 per year.
Grotto dues and subscriptions are payable on the first day of April of each year. New
members and subscribers shall pay a prorated amount to the next April rounded to the
nearest month and the nearest dollar.

(The NSS suggests not putting the dues in the Constitution or Bylaws as it makes them nearly impossible to change. Any action by the membership can be overruled by 2/3 of the membership, so one need not worry about a run on dues or any such nonsense. Grotto dues haven’t changed in a long time and are commensurate with similar Grottos.)

Article III.
Nominations for grotto officers shall be made at the November general meeting; such
nominations must be made by a grotto member with voting rights. All persons nominated for
Grotto office must be current NSS members and if elected must maintain their active status
with the NSS during their tenure. The Secretary and/or Treasurer will send to each member with
voting rights a ballot prior to the 10th day of December. The ballot must be returned to the
Secretary and/or Treasurer no later than December 31st. The Secretary and/or Treasurer will tally the vote
and notify both present and newly elected officers of the results. Newly elected grotto officers
shall take office on the tenth day of January following the election.

Article IV.
A simple majority of voting members present shall prevail at general or special grotto
meetings. Approval of amendments to the bylaws, the grotto constitution, or expulsion of a
member shall require a 2/3 favorable vote of those voting after due notification to the grotto
membership; due notification being 30 days email or written notice. For the purpose of a 2/3 vote,
those voting shall include members present, mail, and proxy ballots received by the first
meeting after due notice.

Operating Policy
A. Duties and responsibilities of the Chairman:
a. Appoints all coordinators, the Cascade Caver Editor, the Grotto Webmaster; grotto members reserve the right to turn down any appointments.
b. Chairs regular grotto meetings, regular business meetings, and special business meetings. Rules on points of order and in case of tie votes, casts deciding vote. Chairman has the right to vote on all money matters and on any matter requiring a 2/3 vote.
c. Creates an Agenda and sends to webmaster and secretary for online publishing and announcements.
d. Provides content to the Secretary for the Cascade Caver publications.
k. Welcomes and encourages new members through e-mail greeting and other forms of communication.

(This language and those that follow are typical, ordinary, and provided for by “duties usually associated with those positions.” Because Grottos are subject to a wide variety of participation and experience, it isn’t necessary to delineate this list, and in practice, each of these is seldom followed regardless. These definitions belong in a Grotto handbook.)

B. Duties and responsibilities of the Vice-Chairman:
a. Assumes Chairman’s duties when he is absent.
b. When Possible represents the grotto or ensures that the grotto is represented at the Congress of Grottos.

C. Duties and responsibilities of the Secretary-Treasurer:
(split into two position)
The duties of the Secretary and Treasurer can be combined into one office if nominee approves.
a. Maintains grotto financial records. (Treasurer)
b. Collects grotto dues as per Article 2 of the bylaws. (Treasurer)
c. Maintains grotto funds in an interest-bearing account. (Treasurer)
d. Maintains current membership records.
e. Provides the Webmaster with a current membership list by October 15 of each year for publishing in the appropriate manner online. Permission must be received from Grotto members prior to publishing membership list. (hoping to add this onto our registration form)
f.(Treasurer) as well as provides a development (financial) report annually for the Cascade Caver
g. Reports on financials to the Grotto membership four times per year, in January, April, July, and October (Treasurer)
h. Dispenses grotto funds at the direction of the Chairman after approval of the membership. (Treasurer) Approval of the membership in the case of fund dispersal only requires a simple majority of those present and voting at any regular Grotto meeting.
i. Conducts duties as outlined in Article 3 of the bylaws. (Secretary)
i. Prepares the Annual Report of the Grotto and submits it to the NSS. (Treasurer)
j. Assumes Chairman’s and Vice-chairman’s duties when both are absent. (Secretary)
i. Sends out annual reminder of dues and renewals (Treasurer)
j. Responsible for taking minutes during the meetings or ensuring that they are taken and providing them to the Board and webmaster before the next meeting. (Secretary)

D. Duties and responsibilities of the Cascade Caver Editor:
a. Should aspire to publish 10 annually but will at least publish 4. This publication should contain but is not limited to the following: field trip reports, all business acted upon at grotto, special business, or unit meetings, and other articles or information of interest to the membership. If content is not provided by those appointed to in the Operating Policy the Cascade Editor is not required to publish.
b. It shall be the responsibility of the Editor to see that the Cascade Caver is distributed in a timely fashion.
c. A current membership list must be printed in the May issue of the Cascade Caver and must be current as of April 15 of that year. Permission must be received from Grotto members prior to publishing membership list. (hoping to add this onto our registration form)
d. All grotto printing supplies and equipment are the responsibility of the Editor.
e. The Editor must provide the Treasurer with a record of Cascade Caver expenses in January and September of each year.
f. It shall be grotto policy and the Editor’s responsibility to make sure that no sensitive wild cave locations are printed in the Cascade Caver.
g. It shall be grotto policy and the Editor’s responsibility to make sure that no material of a speleo-political nature is printed in the Cascade Caver without approval of the grotto membership.
h. The Editor has the authority to make minor changes and deletions in any material submitted or to refuse publication for reasons of quality or grotto policy. The Editor has final authority over the contents of the Cascade Caver..

E. Delegation of Duties It is understood that the officers of the grotto and the Editor of the Cascade Caver, in order to fulfill their duties and responsibilities, need the support and cooperation of the membership. It shall be their responsibility to delegate such duties that they are unable to fulfill personally.
F. Duties and responsibilities of the Cascade Grotto Webmaster:
a. Maintain a good quality grotto website. This website should contain but is not limited to the following: external visitor’s site and an internal member’s only site.
b. A current membership list must be available on the members only website. Subject to member approval on registration form.
c. Must maintain an up to date trip announcement section.
d. All grotto internet connections and equipment are the responsibility of the webmaster.
e. The Webmaster must provide the Treasurer with a record of approved web expenses as they occur.
f. It shall be grotto policy and the Webmasters’ responsibility to make sure that no sensitive wild cave locations are available to the general public from the site.
g. The Webmaster has the authority to make minor changes and deletions in any material submitted or to refuse publication for reasons of quality or grotto policy. The Webmaster has final authority over the contents of the Cascade Grotto website.

I. Cave Resource Committee
The Grotto Librarian shall maintain a file of Washington unchecked cave rumors and topographic maps for the use of grotto members. Policies for the loan of topographic maps shall be set by the committee.


J. Committee Chairs It shall be the responsibility of the Chairman to ensure that the duties usually associated with the following committee positions are accomplished. Normally, in order to achieve this, the Chairman will appoint committee coordinators:
a. Membership Committee
b. Program Committee
d. Field Trip Coordinator Brad?
e. Conservation Committee Hester
f. Safety Committee
g. Cave Register and Information Program
h. NCA Regional Representative
i. Grotto Librarian Madeline
j. Fund Raising Committee Tabby
k. Vertical Safety
l. Cascade Caver Editor Mariana
m. Webmaster Eric


K. Unprepared Caver
As a matter of policy, the Cascade Grotto will not direct untrained, unprepared persons to any wild cave by written or verbal directions, signs, or other means and will not encourage others to do so.

L. Written Notification
As a matter of policy, the Cascade Grotto considers email as written notification. Members are allowed to specify the manner which they will receive business communication, either electronic mail or U.S. Postal mail.

M. Membership
The Grotto shall try to maintain a regular membership of at least 40 cavers in order to provide a level of activity and finances for a healthy grotto. In order to achieve and maintain this number of regular members, the grotto will actively seek out NSS members and active non-NSS cavers living in the state of Washington, who do not belong to another NSS grotto.


N. Grotto general business meetings.
a. Grotto general business meetings must at least be held at least every other month.
b. A written agenda shall be established in advance of each general business meeting. Any grotto member may submit an item for the agenda to any grotto officer. The Chairman will provide the agenda prior to the monthly meeting. The deadline for submitting items for the agenda shall be the Wednesday before the meeting. There will be a designated time to discuss new business not on the agenda at every meeting. (update and make sure same language is used as in chairmans duties)
c. The grotto secretary shall keep minutes of each general business meeting. These minutes shall be available for review at each general membership meeting and shall be made available to the Grotto Membership.
Meeting Time and Place (add to above section)
Grotto meetings will be held at a designated location on the third Friday of each month and will start at 7:00 PM. Grotto meetings may follow the format suggested below:
a. Introductions and announcements by the chairman
b. Committee Reports
c. New Business
d. Old Business
e. Field trip reports
f. Announcement and sign-up of upcoming trips
g. Scheduled program
h. Unscheduled programs

(Usual and ordinary; does not need to be in the rulebook)

P. Membership Exclusion Clause
All NSS members and non-NSS cavers are welcome at grotto meetings as long as they are not and have not been disruptive or defamatory toward caving, cavers, or speleological organizations.

(Incorporated elsewhere)

Q. Local Units To encourage activity among widely separated members while ensuring grotto unity, grotto members outside the Seattle area shall be authorized to form local units within the state of Washington, when chartered by the grotto membership. Local unit meetings shall be chaired by a Unit Coordinator elected by those grotto members participating in that unit’s activities. Local units shall be authorized to conduct any business on behalf of the grotto, so long as they comply with the grotto constitution, bylaws, and operating policy. However, business affecting the entire grotto may only be acted on at a regular grotto business meeting as per item M above.

(Local units, Pub Nights, and Meet Ups are by definition informal; no voting of consequence should take place at these, therefore that language was removed. The point is we are a state-wide, region-wide Grotto with members everywhere. Social Media alone has facilitated many gatherings; simple codification is sufficient.)

R. Cascade Grotto WNS Decontamination Action Plan The Cascade Grotto shall regularly present and revise a manageable decontamination procedure for use (a) between caving trips, (b) between caving areas, and (c) between caves in specific areas.
The Cascade Grotto shall develop a program to teach and encourage the use of recommended decontamination procedures to grotto members and field trip participants.
The Cascade Grotto shall establish, under the direction of the WNS coordinator, recommended WNS policies.
The Cascade Grotto shall work with sister grottos to develop consistent procedures to be used with shared caving areas.
The Cascade Grotto shall facilitate the use of a decontamination procedure at any regional cave meetings it may host. The may include providing a pressure cleaner, decontamination agent(s,) soaking bins, a rinse bin as well as providing safe disposal of the decontamination agent.

(If we refer to the national standard, this section does not need to be constantly updated, especially since some of the activities described are unenforceable, such as establishing our own policies – we would have to have volunteers for this, nor do we need a rule allowing such activity)

S. Operating Policy Changes
changes in these Operating Policies may be enacted by majority vote at any regular grotto business meeting.