Meeting Minutes March 2023

Cascade Grotto MeetingIn-person only (Phinney Neighborhood Association)March 31 Votes Beginner trip Should we allocate fund refreshments for beginner trip? ($70) Presentation Belize Trip Belize The cave Trips Trip reports Belize trip Jackman creek cave trips (Feb 25, March 5) Danger on Cave ridge (March 25) Helens glacial caves Upcoming Trips Cave Ridge Beginner trip Vertical … Read more

Meeting Minutes February 2023

Cascade Grotto Meeting (business-only)Online-only (Zoom)February 16 Votes Yearly elections Elections for officers concluded earlier this month. The results: Chair Vice-chair Secretary Treasurer Purchase SPAR book for library Proposed: Result: passed Trips Trip reports Oasis cave (Austin, TX) Little red river cave Sanger’s Talus cave Upcoming trips Lake cave annual beginner trip Wolf cave beginner vertical … Read more

Meeting Minutes September 2022

Cascade Grotto MeetingPhinney Neighborhood Association/ZoomSeptember 28 Presentation: Scapegoat 2022 expedition Overview Scapegoat is a 240k acre wilderness in Montana Part of a 2.54 million acre roadless area Massive karst area explored in the 70s but not much later on Large pits up on plateau are plugged up by snow most of the year, creating caves … Read more

Meeting Minutes July 2022

Cascade Grotto MeetingZoom meetingJuly 13 (virtual-only) presentation convention discussion reports neelie creek (denny mountain) discovered in the 80s in amongst lots of limestone that is not easily accessible bram was able to get into a squeeze that drops pretty far, got a phone in to record it can find a trip report from the 80s … Read more

Meeting Minutes May 2022

Cascade Grotto meetingPhinney Neighborhood AssociationMay 25, 2022 (in-person only) Presentation Panti Pit in Belize by Eric Jorgenson Overview Survey expedition of 11 people Eric met them at convention near Barton Creek cave (part of same system) images cannot be published online due to restrictions by gov’t of Belize this is why the meeting could not … Read more

Meeting Minutes March 2022

Cascade Grotto meetingPhinney Neighborhood AssociationMarch 30, 2022 (virtual and in-person) Trip reports: Eric: digging jackman creek cave helped w/ cave in Austin, TX Dusty: trip to ribbon cave (near Mt Vernon) fracture cave, not quite talus cave iron, mica, quartz geology surveyed about 150 ft of cave interesting iron formations logging near entrance (gate is … Read more

Meeting Minutes February 2022

Cascade Grotto Meeting (virtual and in-person)February 18, 2022 Presentation by Mark Garnick, Poet’s Crest Overview: history: presentation has a number of links cave area was missed by loggers study in 1983 has some information but nothing on caves in 1981 regional meet it was missed lots of limestone & marble really obvious cinder cones south … Read more

Meeting Minutes January 2022

Cascade Grotto Meeting (virtual-only)January 20, 2022 Future meetings: Daryl suggested thursday for business meetings, friday for in-person Will suggested a bluetooth microphone for meetings would be a good investment we can easily present/record meetings Gear: Daryl: inner mountain outfitters can give us a 20% discount on vertical gear for the club Daryl: we never got … Read more

2021 NSS Convention – now virtual

Dissapointing to us expecting a western Convention, due to the pandemic the Convention is moving online. Here’s the press release: National Speleological Socitey Press Release For Immediate ReleaseCONTACT INFORMATION:The National Speleological Society6001 Pulaski Pike, Huntsville, AL 35810Amanda Willis, NSS PR Division Chief RELEASE DATE:March 19, 2021National Speleological Society Announces Move to Virtual Convention for 2021NSS … Read more

2020 NSS Virtual Convention

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the National Speleological Society’s Annual Convention was held entirely online. Dozens of the presentations are published on the NSS YouTube channel, prefixed “NSSCon2020” here: Among the presentation playlists: Awards Salon Video Salon Lightning Talks International Exploration Getting Started Caving Conservation and Management US Exploration State Cave Surveys … Read more